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Change leaders

Effective sustainability solutions lead to positive changes. All our solutions are backed by a company head and change leader who creates, launches, supports and implements the change.

We are convinced that business enterprises which are successful in the long term play a key role in promoting sustainability.
This is why ever more change leaders are needed: in other words, business decision-makers who go beyond the business as usual approach – a focus on maximizing short-term profits – and who are capable of engaging with a strategic perspective beyond business as usual, also putting emphasis on supporting sustainability issues. This involves creating new business models, processes, progressive and novel solutions, products and services.

We are convinced that, together with these change leaders, BCSDH can raise the sustainability orbit of Hungary to the next level.
List of Companies joined to the program

At MOL we launch programs that, besides our business interests, also help to form our customers’ approach towards sustainability. One of these successful programs is the used cooking oil collection program.

Sándor Fasimon (Managing Director, MOL Plc.)

Our goal is to make our products only in factories whose energy needs are provided by wind power. It is up to us what kind of energy we use.

Zoltán Venter (Managing Director, SCA Hygiene Products Kft.)

It is important to provide them a job, working environment and team where they feel useful again after several years outside the labour market.

Flórián László (CEO, Rossmann Magyarország Kft.)

Hungrana Kft. is committed to sustainability in its business operation; we believe that successful production practices are in line with effective environmental protection, and are therefore committed to using environmentally friendly technologies and producing environmentally friendly products.

Zoltán Reng (CEO, Hungrana Keményítő és Izocukorgyártó és Forgalmazó Kft.)

The culture improvement and the sharing of experiences and best practices encompassing the entire organization all support the MOL Group Culture2030 program. Our goal is to improve communication and collaboration, increase satisfaction and reduce fluctuation.

Sándor Fasimon (Managing Director, MOL Plc.)

In MOL’s strategy for 2030, it has been stated that a much larger role is addressed in mobility services: selling kilometers instead of liters in order to be the number one choice to the ones on the road.

Péter Ratatics (MOL-Group Executive Vice President for Consumer Services, MOL Plc.)

“Our goal is the development of world-beating LED and smart solutions that can be successfully applied by companies active in the field of precision indoor farming,”

Joerg Bauer (CEO, Tungsram Group)

Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research aims to contribute to the competitiveness and efficiency of Hungarian companies by providing services in innovation and technology transfer in cooperation with Hungarian and foreign partner institutions.

Norbert Grasselli Dr. (Managing Director, Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research )

Our company pays special attention to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and improve energy efficiency.

Sándor Fasimon (Managing Director, MOL Plc.)

A dedicated, loyal and enthusiastic employee is worth gold. However, it is important to focus not only on colleagues with many years of experience, but also on keeping talented young people. In 2018, we launched the ALTEO Talent Program with the intention of giving the opportunity to develop and professionalize, with which we can support their career path and commitment to the company.

Attila Chikán Jr. (CEO, ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt.)

As a food industry company, in our case water problems and challenges are even stronger than the average. This is also the reason why we focus on water efficiency within our business strategy.

Zoltán Gazsi (Managing Director, Eisberg Hungary Kft.)

We at Randstad are constantly striving to make our employees more flexible by providing flexible opportunities.

Baja Sándor (managing director, Randstad Hungary Kft.)

We know, that HEINEKEN, as a global corporation, has a significant impact on our environment and society. This is one of the reasons why we create the “Brew a better world” strategy, in which we are committed to environmental protection and sustainable development

Geert Swaanenburg (CEO, HEINEKEN Breweries)

When it comes to corporate sustainability, it is important to think about both of its three pillars, the environment, society and the economy. In this spirit, ALTEO has developed a complex CSR program in which employee involvement and engagement have outstanding importance.

Attila Chikán Jr. (CEO, ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt.)

Our company is able to influence its direct emissions, and some of the indirect ones. The rest, we can only reduce together with our partners – this is why we launched the Greenairport Program.”

Jost Lammers (CEO, Budapest Airport Zrt.)

There are only 20 BREEM certified office buildings that attain high level of environmental performance, we are proud that one of these offices was built for KPMG.

Robert Stöllinger (National Senior Partner, KPMG Hungária Kft.)

Our aim is to reduce group level water consumption by 25% by 2018, and by 50% by 2025 as compared to 2008. We are now at 28%.

Török László (CEO, Grundfos Manufacturing Ltd.)

Sustainable development is the basis of our growth, and our employees play a prominent role in striving for it.

José Matthijjse (CEO, HEINEKEN Breweries)

Our products’ material needs should not cause imbalance in nature.

Zoltán Venter (CEO, SCA Hygiene Products Kft.)

I think we have to create an inspirational working environment where it is worth to develop, where trust and positive problemsolving skills are the basis of the effective work.

José Matthijjse (CEO, HEINEKEN Breweries)

According to the experiences of those european cities that are leaders in car-sharing, one shared car can substitute five to ten owned vehicles. This solution is a perfect tool to alleviate the traffic, the congestion of cities and in parallel it has a positive impact on the environment.

Péter Ratatics (MOL-Group Executive Vice President for Consumer Services, MOL Plc.)

The Sustainable Agriculture Code was first published in 2010. It is now the basis of Unilever’s operations and self-evaluation program, which contributes to sustainable operations throughout the whole supply chain.

Alberto Di-Leo (Managing Director, Unilever Hungary)

It is of key importance both from social and economic aspects that companies create employment possibilities for the younger generation.

Ágnes Horváth (CEO, McDonald’s Hungary Restaurant Chain LLC)

As a key player in the domestic energy sector, it is essential that sustainability aspects appear in all segments of our operations. This is also served by our environmentally conscious developments in soil and groundwater protection.

András Biczók (CEO, MAVIR)

90-95 % of beer is water, moreover almost every technological step of its production requires water. Although our own wells provide water in the long run, the availability and quality in some places in the world is at risk. Therefore, it is extremely important for us to be conscious with clean water and to reduce our environmental impact by treating wastewater.

Gábor Békefi (CEO, Dreher Breweries)

With the SEEBALANCE® method, our first az utmost important goal is to make sustainability holistically measurable and assessable, and to incorporate the gained results in important decision-making processes in our business activities.

Dr. Thomas Narbeshuber (Head Country Clusters Austria, Czech Republik, Slovakia and South East Europe, BASF SE)

Efficient networking with colleagues and business partners is the main characteristic of the team.

Dr. Thomas Narbeshuber (CEO, BASF SE)

As a responsible company we seek to operate and improve our restaurants and supply chain on a sustainable manner. In partnership with our suppliers, we regulate food safety and quality measures starting as early as raw material production.

Ágnes Horváth (CEO, McDonald’s Hungary Restaurant Chain LLC)

In Hungary, e-illiteracy is still estimated at 51%, which presents a massive competitive disadvantage for the country and creates huge disparities in employment and livelihood opportunities at an individual level. As a telecommunications company, it is extremely important for us that infocommunication technologies contribute to the development of society. Public education is an excellent tool in reducing the rate of digital illiteracy and increase moderate, safe Internet use, where the community can be shaped by pedagogues and students.

Christopher Laska (CEO, Telenor Magyarország Zrt.)

Due to our career path supporting program, future career steps can be planned for years in advance, and the complexity of knowledge supports improving flexible work organization and availability.

Sándor Fasimon (Managing Director, MOL Plc.)

E.ON has launched EnergiaKaland Educational Program 10 years ago, which created a better tomorrow together with the power of youngsters.

Zsolt Jamniczky (Member of the Board, E.ON Hungária Zrt.)

At Shell, we recognize the providing of more clean energy to the society as a challenge.  A low-carbon future can be addressed through innovative solutions, that are invented through ingenuity, entrepreneourial attitude and continuous ambition. Shell Eco-marathon serves the same purpose, to inspire students to carry out forward-thinking improvements and to use them in mobility.

Andrea Bujdosó (Chair of the Board, Shell Hungary Zrt.)

Biofilter Zrt recognizes that global problems, environmental protection or sustainability are not far from the business world and its goals, means. Representing the circular business model, our principle is that environmental responsibility is not an option, but the only one for a sustainable future.

György Deák (vezérigazgató, Biofilter Zrt.)

Our goal is to integrate economical, environmental and social factors into our business activities in a balanced way to maximize long-term value creation.

Péter Ratatics (Chief Operating Officer, MOL Plc.)

We are particularly proud of the gender representation in the management and the increasing rate of women in managerial levels: currently 40% of the board, 32% of senior management and 43% of our middle management are women.

Andrea Bujdosó (Chairman of the Board, Shell Hungary Zrt.)

It is unacceptable, that 1.8 million tons of food waste is generated in Hungary every year, while hundreds of thousands of people live in poverty.

Zsolt Pártos (CEO, Tesco Hungary)

We are supporting women working at GE to develop their professional skills, business models, personal relations and career prospects through the GE Women’s Network.

Joerg Bauer (chairman (until 2017), GE Hungary Kft.)

Our products are designed to have a long life, and are equipped with a PEP Eco Passport since 2013, which informs the consumers of the environmental impacts of the products.

László Károlyi (CEO, Legrand Zrt.)

Our strategy is currently based on innovations, that enable farmers to feed a growing population and support them in facing new challenges such as limited available arable land, diseases, and climate change.

Thomas Narbeshuber (CEO, BASF Hungary Ltd.)

We are already experiencing the effects of climate change in our everyday lives. There will be an increasing need for air-conditioning equipment, while the refrigerants used in the equipment for many years have significantly damaged the ozone layer. From September 2015, Daikin will grant free access to 93 patents in order to allow manufacturers to switch to environmentally-friendly, lower GWP R32 refrigerants as soon as possible.

Balázs Zuggó (Managing Director, Daikin Hungary Kft.)

Its a mutual interest and responsibility that education provides such knowledge transfer and competence development that is really needed on the job market.

Török László (CEO, Grundfos Manufacturing Ltd.)

The key to the success of our company is our managers who are capable of changing and adapting in an innovative way.

Robert Stöllinger (CEO, KPMG Hungária Kft.)

Our goal is for our products to meet the requirements of a circular economy.

Attila Szabó (Managing Director, Folprint Zöldnyomda Kft.)

In Hungary, the concept of lifelong learning is not very wide spread, there are only a few apply for either formal or informal training opportunities.

Attila Chikán (CEO, ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt.)

Modern rainfall management not only helps to avoid damage caused by rainwater, but can also help identify new practices while protecting aquatic habitats.

Károly Kovács and Attila Sinka (Managing Director of BDL Kft. , President of Magyar Víz- és Szennyvíztechnikai Szövetség , BDL Kft. - Magyar Víz- és Szennyvíztechnikai Szövetség (MaSzeSz) collaboration)

In the autumn of 2017, we launched our #énjövőm program aimed at improving the chances of young people between the ages of 18 and 30 in the labor market. Through the program, which runs until 2020, we provide free courses for young people who are job-seekers, are not currently working, but are no longer studying.

László Békefi (Managing Director, Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft.)

It is very important to map what competences our colleagues need.

Batári Ferenc (CEO, Future FM Létesítménygazdálkodási Zrt.)

It’s really exciting to see how coordinating already existing processes make a seemingly complicated process piece of cake.

László Török (Managing Director, Grundfos Manufacturing Ltd.)

It is crucial for our activities, that we manage the development and innovation of our products considering the lifestyles of children and families, so we offer more and more tasty and healthy choices to our consumers. In addition, we must place a great emphasis on our educational activities for children’s balanced nutrition.

Péter Noszek (Managing Director, Nestlé Hungária Kft.)

Sustainability is not a project for us, but a principle, that applies to each and every operation: what we buy, what we offer to our guests, how we employ and how we act with our neighbours in our narrower and wider environment.

Ágnes Horváth (Managing Director, McDonald’s Hungary Restaurant Chain LLC)

One of our key actions is the optimization of the quantity achieved through packaging, which is not only beneficial for the environment, but it is also successful for our competitiveness.

Zoltán Venter (Managing Director, SCA Hygiene Products Kft.)

If we look on solid waste we automatically consider the potential of recycling, this is already common thinking.

Attila Chikán (CEO, ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt.)

Advertising is an exciting thing: formulating the message of our products, that is both short and catchy to attract the costumer’s attention.

Dr. Ágnes Fábián (CEO, Henkel Magyarország Kft.)

‘Our mission is to circulate paper to paper.’

Sándor Lakatos (Managing Director, Inest)

We want to be sure that the raw materials used during the production come from a responsible source. Therefore, we pay special attention to the sustainable and responsible production of the raw materials we use.

Péter Noszek (Managing Director, Nestlé Hungária Kft.)

We can be fair – it does not necessarily mean we provide equal opportunities. Those disadvantaged on the job market may not be even able to use the possibilities employers may think to be fair ones.

Török László (CEO, Grundfos Manufacturing Ltd.)

Chemistry and the chemical industry together are one of the engines of sustainability. Our global strategy was designed with a view to integrating sustainability as closely as possible …

Dr. Thomas Narbeshuber (CEO, BASF SE)

Our goal is to protect the quality of different water resources, and that sewage treatment plants should be able to adapt to climate change caused by changing weather conditions.

Sunny Bhasin (CEO, UTB Envirotec Ltd.)

Throughout our work, we always aim to meet the expectations of our consumers, partners, associates, suppliers and our environment: we provide opportunities to create a healthier and happier life, promote the development of communities and strive to preserve our planet’s for the generations to come.

Péter Noszek (CEO, Nestlé Hungária Kft.) provides a solution to the problems of an overcrowded urban transport, thus adds value to the people living there.

Tamás Varsányi and Zsolt Jamniczky (managing director, Kft.; board member, E.ON Hungária Zrt. , owner, operator: Kft, main sponsor: E.ON )

We wish to add to our competitive advantage and market share as a responsible and progressive business partner.

Dr. Thomas Narbeshuber (CEO, BASF SE)

As a large business, our social responsibility grows larger.

Olivér Martin (Managing Director, Szentkirályi-Kékkúti Ásványvíz Kft.)

We are constantly increasing the share of renewables in our portfolio

Attila Chikán Jr. (CEO, ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt.)

Nowadays, more and more companies would like to fight climate change and choose energy that has been generated from renewable sources.

Attila Chikán (CEO, ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt.)

Employees cannot rely only on the knowledge acquired at school.

Jost Lammers (CEO, Budapest Airport Zrt.)

Diversity is about learning together how to accept diversity, understanding that the world is colourful and complete, and we all can benefit from this.

Zsolt Jamniczky (Board member, E.ON Hungária Zrt.)

We have joined dual training because it is useful for both parties.

Robert Stöllinger (CEO, KPMG Hungária Kft.)

We are aware of our environmental responsibility and sustainability is at the heart of our policies and practices. Our products are manufactured and marketed in accordance with ecological guidelines, as this is the best solution for both business and the environment.

Balázs Zuggó (CEO, Daikin Hungary Kft.)

As a leading property developer, in case of our Category ‘A’ office buildings, we aim to use green technologies and materials in construction and facility management activities, and to ensure energy efficient building operation for our business partners.

Zoltán Linczmayer (CEO (till 2016), Skanska Property Hungary)

With regard to innovation, HungaroControl is operating in an environment that is starkly different from that of an “average” enterprise.

Kornél Szepessy (CEO, HungaroControl Hungarian Air Navigation Services Pte. Ltd. Co.)

Our main goal is to protect the quantity and quality of water, and to preserve and improve the environmental conditions of water.

Károly Kovács (CEO, BDL Környezetvédelmi Kft.)

The opportunity to work from home distinguishes us in the labour market and makes our employer’s brand attractive.

Andrea Bujdosó (Chair of the Board, Shell Hungary Zrt.)

Hungary is rich in water resources, however there are doubts whether we utilize these resources in a proper way or not.

Attila Chikán (CEO, ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt.)

We, at ALTEO feel great pride in the development of our most important resource – our people.

Attila Chikán (CEO, ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt.)

We are creating added value for Hungary in the development of energy awareness by educating the next generation.

Gábor Bercsi (CEO, Cothec Energetikai Üzemeltető Kft.)

Garbage is not waste, it is rather full of inspiring possibilities. We know that by using the right technologies and methods, large amount of the waste can be kept in the material cycle:

György Deák (CEO, BIOFILTER Co.)

For ING, sustainability is a way to go along with its corporate customers, and therefore, we consider the development of sustainability-linked products as our top priority

Tibor Bodor (CEO, ING Bank )

HVG in cooperation with the BCSDH has published the HVG Sustainable Development Plus for seven years now, in order to create a forum for domestic and international professionals, companies and institutions who have a word about the environmental and social impacts of their business.

Péter Szauer (CEO, HVG Press)

„A HEINEKEN elsőszámú céljai közé tartozik a helyi közösségek támogatása és a hazai alapanyagbeszerzés. Örülünk, hogy közös összefogással vezethetjük vissza Magyarországot a komlót termelő országok közé, miközben támogatjuk a hazai gazdákat. Célunk, hogy hosszútávon, a Soproni előállítása során 100 százalékban magyar komlóra támaszkodhassunk.”

Geert Swannenburg (CEO, Heineken Hungaria Breweries Plc.)

The use of a circular economic model involves many savings, for example, through the implementation of industrial symbiosis.

Attila Chikán Jr. (CEO, ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt.)

Energy production in Hungary, especially heat production, is still based mostly on fossil fuels.

Attila Chikán (CEO, ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt.)

We can only function on the market as a sustainable and responsible company if we also shape the demand, promote sustainability knowledge, trends and behavior.

Dr. Ágnes Fábián (CEO, Henkel Magyarország Kft.)

Unilever’s Sustainability Plan has three major missions, supported by nine commitments and is fully extended to our social, environmental and economic performances throughout the value chain. We will continue to collaborate with our partners to focus on areas, where we can make the biggest changes, thereby supporting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Alberto Di-Leo (Managing Director, Unilever Hungary)

Although we are currently surrounded by a number of trends which shape our future we don’t have….

Kisbenedek Péter (CEO, Allianz Hungária Zrt.)

Reducing and recycling packaging waste is inevitable for sustainable operations, to which we need to actively involve our consumers.

Robert Cooper (CEO (til 2017), Dreher Breweries)

Even companies taking the lead in environmental efficiency measures can find some more eco-efficiency measures if company’s culture, processes and incentives give an opportunity to identify these actions.

Jean-Noёl Reimeringer (CEO (till 2016), Budapest Power Plant)

The Growww is a program for fresh graduates, which educates the next generation workforce of the company since 2007. It provides more than 170 jobs each year in 13 countries. After completing the program, most of the participants continue their careers here, and since 2007 two thousand entrants have been recruited. They are the employees, experts and leaders of the future.

Sándor Fasimon (Managing Director, MOL Plc.)

Sustainable development is not only the foundation of our company’s growth, but also a priority for our society.

Kisbenedek Péter (CEO, Allianz Hungária Zrt.)

Legrand’s commitment on protecting the environment involves integrating the principles of a circular economy into the company’s operations.

László Károlyi (CEO, Legrand Zrt.)

Our aim is to apply our already implemented and planned new, green mobility solutions together with our partners.

Jost Lammers (CEO, Budapest Airport Zrt.)

Continuous and consistent feedback provides a safe environment, clear and understandable expectations, and learning and development opportunities for employees.

Batári Ferenc (CEO, Future FM Létesítménygazdálkodási Zrt.)

We have been recollecting the used aluminum coffee capsules in our stores in Hungary since 2012 and since 2017 it can also be implemented with the help of our courier service.

Péter Noszek (Managing Director, Nestlé Hungária Kft.)

Due to its bi-annual cycles the organization could have a competitive market advantage by retaining key professionals, fostering life-long learning and culture change.

Sándor Fasimon (COO, MOL Plc.)

Our company pays special attention to environmental friendly operation in our plants and we are constantly looking for innovative solutions and new development opportunities.  

Sándor Fasimon (Managing Director, MOL Plc.)

Experts have been concerned about solving the power supply of relatively low-energy, non-electrified, isolated properties and farms in a cost-efficient way, because in the absence of a network, only burning large amounts of fossil fuels can be used to provide ad hoc emerging energy.

Zsolt Jamniczky (Member of the Board, E.ON Hungária Zrt.)

Access to clean water, propere hygiene and the preservation of freshwater ecosystems are essential for human health, environmental sustainability and also economic well-being. The company’s first step towards sustainable operation was calculating its water footprint considering the whole life-cycle of the products.

Alberto Di-Leo (Managing Director, Unilever Hungary)

The Flexiwork program aims to enhance creativity and productivity, support equality and diversity and maintain a sustainable work-life balance.

Sándor Fasimon (Managing Director, MOL Plc.)

Komplex Gyakornoki Programunkkal is szeretnénk hatékonyabbá tenni keresési és kiválasztási tevékenységünket.

With our Complex Trainee Program, we would like to make our recruitment and selection processes more efficient.

Éva Kreiter (HR Director, Dreher Breweries)

Our experience with Sustainable Solution Steering shows that it is a very effective tool to actively improve our portfolio towards solutions which make a larger contribution to sustainability.

Dr. Thomas Narbeshuber (Head Country Clusters Austria, Czech Republik, Slovakia and South East Europe, BASF SE)

By developing and marketing environmentally conscious solutions, our portfolio helped globally to reduce our customers’ CO2 emission by 428 million tons in 2014 alone…

Dale A. Martin (CEO, Siemens Ltd.)

Concrete is the second most used basic material in the world in terms of the overall quantities.

Dr. Thomas Narbeshuber (CEO, BASF SE)

Our corporate culture is based on trust and results orientation, instead of physical presence, we take into account the real performance of our colleagues.

Baja Sándor (managing director, Randstad Hungary Kft.)

We at Daikin believe that, in addition to theoretical courses at university, students need to meet with the industrial sector as early as their university years. If this happens, they can be more prepared for the labour market. 

Zuggó Balázs (CEO, Daikin Hungary Kft.)

We decide where to set our environmental boundaries. As a green printing company, we assure our customers that we will not increase their carbon footprint while doing their printing work.

Szabó Tímea (CEO, Folprint Zöldnyomda Kft.)

Youth employment is a social issue that can only be solved by working together and involving stakeholders.

Jean Grunenwald (CEO, Nestlé Hungária Kft.)

It’s an exciting challenge in the life of a brand driven industry sector and company when responsible operation means that consumer demand must be satisfied simultaneously with influencing the consumers’ attitude toward being more responsible.

Robert Cooper (CEO (until 2017), Dreher Breweries)

According to WHO recommendations we should eat at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruit every day.

Gazsi Zoltán (CEO, Eisberg Hungary Kft.)

We measure both our direct and indirect carbon emission in order to be able to improve our performance along the critical points of intervention.

Ágnes Horváth (Managing Director, McDonald’s Hungary Restaurant Chain LLC)

About 90% of the beer consists of water and almost every tiny step in the brewing process requires water.

Robert Cooper (CEO (until 2017), Dreher Breweries)

Nowadays there is a real need for a smart, energy-efficient water management system in almost every area of the economy, as security of supply and efficiency are key factors. SIWA, a software based on digitalisation and developed by Siemens, supported the company in avoiding a lot of unnecessary environmental burdens and it also provides a real business benefit from cost savings.

Dale A. Martin (CEO, Siemens Ltd.)

Whichever part of the production process employees are involved in, every one of them is aware that at the end of the production chain we are producing food. We all feel this responsibility and we carry out our everyday business according to it.

László Bárány Jr. (CEO, Master Good Kft.)

We intend to finance climate conscious, climate friendly solutions through our depositors.

János Salamon (CEO, MagNet Bank)

Our goal is to integrate economical, environmental and social factors into our business activities in a balanced way to maximize long-term value creation.

Péter Ratatics (Chief Operating Officer, MOL Plc.)

It is surprising how few people participate in life-long learning in Hungary. We as employers also have a responsibility in this.

Jean-Noёl Reimeringer (CEO (till 2016), Budapest Power Plant)

By optimizing our use of raw materials, we minimize not only our environmental impacts, but we also realize financial savings.

Zoltán Venter (Managing Director, Essity Hungary)

The labour market is changing, which requires changing attitudes from employers.

dr. Szabó Tímea (CEO, Folprint Zöldnyomda Kft.)

Consumers want safe, modern, convenient and eco-efficient cars.

Shingo Kato (CEO, Toyota Central Europe)

As an operator of the airport, we have considered the most diverse forms of corporate social responsibility in previous years, which is a part of ensuring the professional development of our employees and our airport partners.

Jost Lammers (CEO, Budapest Airport Zrt.)

‘Ecological aspects in delivering electrical eneergia is not an easy task at all.’

Kamilla Csomai (COO, MAVIR )

We believe in our staff and provide them with opportunities for continuous development and the development of their talents.

Minas Agelidis (CEO, Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft.)

Our goal at Future FM is that socially responsible behaviour should be an integral part of our corporate culture, integrating into the organizational culture. With good affairs and responsible behaviour, we work as a partner for the wider community in which our company operates.

Ferenc Batári (CEO, Future FM Létesítménygazdálkodási Zrt.)

Even if Hungary is considered a country rich in water, an environmentally conscious generator looks at water as a precious natural resource to be preserved.

Jean-Noёl Reimeringer (CEO (till 2016), Budapest Power Plant)

Some of you may think that we are going against our short-term business interests when we teach customers how to be energy aware.

Jamniczky Zsolt (Board member, E.ON Hungária Zrt.)

Our primary goal on global level is to reduce the amount of water during the production process and during the use of our products. According to our ideas, we will reduce the amount of water used per tonne of product by 2020 by 30%.

Ágnes Fábián Dr. (Managing Director, Henkel Magyarország Kft.)

People need to relax, to be entertained and to be continuously re-charged. People need to relax, to be entertained and to be continuously re-charged. Our mission is to provide visitors with the opportunity to engage in sustainable tourism, therefore the carbonfootprints of their visits should be minimized. For this reason, we only develop attractionsthat do not consume energy, and if they do, we produce this from renewable sources.

János Handó (CEO, Katica Tanya Élményközpont)

We believe in cycling as a sustainable, community-building value.

Ágnes Horváth (Managing Director, McDonald’s Hungary Restaurant Chain LLC)

Land and water – two natural resources in which Hungary seems to be rich…

Tibor Czigány (CEO, Syngenta Kft.)

Our unique Verbund concept is one of BASF’s greatest assets.

Dr. Thomas Narbeshuber (Head Country Clusters Austria, Czech Republik, Slovakia and South East Europe, BASF SE)

Being legally correct does not always enough for being ethical or fair…

Joris Huijsmans (CEO (until 2016), HEINEKEN Breweries)

Based on the experiences of the past 30 year and contributing to the development of hundreds of thousands of companies, we can say that K & H understands the needs of domestic businesses, so using this knowledge we can provide professional background and assistance to startups, which can make the most in highly critical moments. We consider it very important that regarding the needs of businesses, by a mutual work we provide a sufficiently detailed professional information and help them from startups and promising ideas to become a successful and profitable companies in an easier and smoother way.

Balázs Németh (leader of Változáskezelő Divízió , K&H Bank Zrt.)

Responsible procurement is a critical element of turning out sustainable products and services.

Dr. Thomas Narbeshuber (CEO, BASF SE)

‘Our company should not only act at the forefront and set an example in energy related sustainability issues.’

Kamilla Csomai (COO, MAVIR )

As an FMCG company on the one hand we need to satisfy consumers’ needs, but on the other hand it is our responsibility to shape their lifestyle towards sustainability.

Regina Kuzmina (CEO, Unilever Hungary)

For me, sustainability starts with the individual responsibility, that I am as a person, as a consumer and also as a corporate manager integrate in my decisions…

János Salamon (CEO, MagNet Bank)

The purpose of the Female Engineers MOL Program is to provide support for female full-time students with outstanding abilities and academic achievements at the designated universities.

Sándor Fasimon (Managing Director, MOL Plc.)

Companies joined to the Action 2020 Hungary program:

Alteo Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt.
BASF Hungária Kft.
BDL Kft.
Biofilter Környezetvédelmi Zrt.
Budapest Airport Zrt.
Budapesti Erőmű Zrt.
BUSCH Hungária Kft.
DANDELION Környezetvédelmi Tanácsadó és Szolgáltató Kft.
Dreher Sörgyárak Zrt.
E.ON Hungária Zrt.
eisberg Hungary Kft.
Essity Hungary Kft.
Folprint Zöldnyomda Kft.
GE Hungary Kft.
Generali Biztosító Zrt.
GREENPRO Környezetvédelmi Zrt.
Grundfos Magyarország Gyártó Kft.
Havranek Családi Farm
Heineken Hungária Sörgyárak Zrt.
Henkel Magyarország Kft.
HungaroControl Zrt.
HVG Kiadó Zrt.
Inest Nonprofit Kft.
ING Bank N.V. Magyarországi Fióktelepe
K&H Bank Zrt.
Katica Tanya
KPMG Hungária Kft.
Kürt Információbiztonsági és Adatmentő Zrt.
Legrand Zrt.
McDonald’s Magyarország Kft.
Nestlé Hungária Kft.
Pannonia Ethanol Zrt.
Posta Biztosító Zrt.
Prímaenergia Zrt.
ProSelf International Zrt.
Rossmann Magyarország Kft.
Shell Hungary Zrt.
Siemens Zrt.
Skanska Magyarország Ingatlan Kft.
Suzuki Zrt.
Syngenta Magyarország Kft.
TESCO-GLOBÁL Áruházak Zrt.
Toyota Central Europe Kft.
Unilever Magyarország Kft.
UTB Envirotec Zrt.