László Károlyi


Legrand Zrt.

Legrand’s commitment on protecting the environment involves integrating the principles of a circular economy into the company’s operations. This approach determines our decisions from product development throughout the life cycle. Our products are designed to have a long life, and are equipped with a PEP Eco Passport since 2013, which informs the consumers of the environmental impacts of the products.

PEP Ecopassport

Industry: Manufacturing

Date: Since 2013

Sustainable Lifestyles

Solutions of the macro-sustainability challenges

Provide an adequate variety of sustainable products and services which are affordable and available for the majority of the population

Further targets:

What´s the solution?

Legrand is a member of the international PEP (Product Environmental Profiles) Association. The organization aims at mapping and publishing the environmental impacts of electrical, electronic and HVAC equipments voluntarily in accordance with EN 14025, by creating a coherent and reliable reference framework.

The products receive a so-called PEP ecopassport, which provides accurate informations on the environmental impacts of a given product during all stages of its life cycle (e.g. production, distribution, installation, use and disposal).

The Legrand Group is committed to promoting the use of PEP ecopassports in the electrical industry.

Business connection

Legrand’s sustainability goals are summarized in its Roadmap of 2014-2018. Our main goal is to introduce the model of circular economy, which is highly connected to assessing the environmental impacts of the products throughout its life cycle.


It has been clear since 1990, that products with an environmental certification show a bigger rate in trading. In 2013, 47% of our revenues were linked to our products having PEP Ecopassport.