Dr. Ágnes Fábián


Henkel Magyarország Kft.

Advertising is an exciting thing: formulating the message of our products, that is both short and catchy to attract the costumer’s attention. Our customers are very important to us, so naturally informing them in the fairest possible way is important as well. The Advertising Self Regulatory Board (ÖRT), as a player closer to the market, operates a monitoring and controlling system in addition to the authorities, which is based on a voluntary basis. ÖRT together with its member companies has developed the Hungarian Code of Advertising Ethics, which represents a level of expectations – including ethical standards – higher than the legal regulations. Our company is a member of the ÖRT, a signatory to the Code of Advertising Ethics, and a supporter of the self-regulation of advertising – for the benefit of the customers.

Advertising Self-Regulation

Industry: FMCG

Date: 2015-2016

Sustainable Lifestyles

Solutions of the macro-sustainability challenges

Empower consumers to increase their demand for sustainable products and services by providing reliable, actionable, user-friendly consumer information, communication and education

Further targets:

What´s the solution?

In its marketing and sales processes Henkel Magyarország Kft. does not only enforce legal compliance, but also high ethical standards. We are signatories and implementers of the Advertising Ethics Code drawn up by the Advertising Self Regulatory Board. This is to ensure marketing messages, methods are in line with sustainability and ethical principles, along with building confidence among consumers and encourage them with correct information to be responsible during the decision-making.

Business connection

Marketing is a very exciting area, it is often said that 50% of it is a “waste of money”, but you never know which half … We believe that our marketing activities have a decision affecting effect on our consumers, therefore it encourage sales, influences decisions, sometimes shapes attitude and behavior. Short-term business advantage can be obtained with legal, but unethical advertising or promotion, but we believe that for long-term trust it should not be used for either socially or financially. The fair market behavior and consumer confidence are key to our competitiveness.


The high level of ethical principles help us that our marketing activities easily comply with the legislation. The consumers have confidence in our brands – this is very important to us. We are confident that more and more customers choose our products that comply with sustainability criteria, thus we can contribute to a sustainable way of life. Our goal is to create products that – with the help of continuous innovation – have smaller and smaller ecological footprint, and thus our consumers generate less waste for example.