Zsolt Jamniczky

Member of the Board

E.ON Hungária Zrt.

As a leading company in the energy sector, E.ON is particularly concerned about knowledge sharing, the implementation of innovative ideas and thoughts, and the support and involvement of young people. That’s why we created the EnergiaKaland education program 10 years ago, to supports this idea, and to create a better tomorrow jointly with the power of young people

EnergiaKaland Educational Program

Industry: Energy

Date: Since 2008

Sustainable Lifestyles

Solutions of the macro-sustainability challenges

Empower consumers to increase their demand for sustainable products and services by providing reliable, actionable, user-friendly consumer information, communication and education

Further targets:

What´s the solution?

In 2008, E.ON launched a large-scale virtual learning program called EnergiaKaland, which aims to help teachers raise awareness regarding energy use and to enhance childrens’ and students’ energy-related knowledge and improve their competence. The program was developed jointly by experts from the Ministry of Education. The related portal on the internet provides students and teachers energy-related knowledge from the age of 6 to 18, free of charge for everyone.

Business connection

In today’s world, it is increasingly important to acquire a basic energetic knowledge that helps us make responsible decisions on our own energy usage every day. Through our EnergiaKaland program, we want to support the growing generations with our expertise – in collaboration with schools – in making this knowledge easier and more attainable through modern and creative tools.

The common goal is to provide comprehensive education materials in the areas of energy awareness, energy security and energy conservation to hungarian schools, considering the goals of sustainable development.


The key results and milestones achieved since the beginning of the program in 2008:

  • Our volunteers held EnergyKaland educating lessons in 205 Educational Institutions reaching thousands of children.
  • 1400 teachers ordered our educational materials from the website of EnergiaKaland.
  • Each year we attended to the Educatio International Education Exhibition with our EnergiaKaland stand
  • We also attended to exhibitons, School Equipment Exhibition, Children’s Literature Festival, Family Day, Children Day, and many of our volunteeers provided trainings at each Earth Day and World Environment Day
  • In 2011, we held our first training course for teachers at the Pedagogical Institute in Újbuda, and in 2012 we completed it with a kindergarten teacher training, which was held also in Budapest, Nagykanizsa and Szolnok. We organized further trainings for teachers in Mátészalka, Nagykanizsa, Pécs, Szolnok, Nyíregyháza, Debrecen and Győr.
  • Since 2012, we have held additional trainings for the students studying Teacher Training Course at ELTE every September, so that they can familiarize with our education program as students.