Ágnes Horváth

Managing Director

McDonald’s Hungary Restaurant Chain LLC

Biking is a dynamic and exemplary trend of lifestyles and recreational sports. We believe in cycling as a sustainable, community-building value. We are committed in the long term, and we encourage our actively participate in it. There is a bike rack in most of our restaurants, and our aim is to provide this service at each and every restaurant, where it is possible.

BringaMánia and sponsoration

Industry: Food

Date: since 2010

Sustainable Lifestyles

Solutions of the macro-sustainability challenges

Promote healthy living and health-supporting choices to enhance balanced lifestyles and wellbeing

Further targets:

What´s the solution?

The main goal of the McDonald’s BringaMania program is to promote the use of bicycles as a widespread grassroot sport and as a sustainable method of urban transport, moreover, to help biking adults and children in learning the perspectives of a civilized, safe biking.

McDonald’s has launched the BringaMania program in 2009, which was later expanded by further events, web pages, applications and Facebook sites of the Community, where the most important informations on cycling can be found. For example, in many large cities, the application helps the bikers by showing and planning the cycling routes.

McDonald’s Bringamania Tour de Balaton has been the largest cycling tour in the country since 2015 and has been calling for a greater attention to physical activities by offering fun biking tours around Lake Balaton, in varied distances, for all ages. Right from the start, the program relies on the team of Vuelta Kft., an expert of the domestic biking trends and biking events.

Business connection

McDonald’s Bringamania program represents the brand’s commitment towards families and sustainability, all in line with the values of the brand, through a wide variety of activities all across the globe and accessibly to a wide audience.

McDonald’s contributes to the fight against the sedentary lifestyle and urging the dissemination of a balanced lifestyle by its sustainable lifestyle promoting program. The Bringamania program encourages the use of the alternatives of driving, thus eliminating the environmental impacts, while also familiarizing the audience with the pleasure of exercise.


In 2018, repeating the record of the previous year, 3000 participants have finished the varieties of Tour de Balaton, which is the largest bike tour in Hungary today.

The Facebook page of McDonald’s Bringmania has grown to one and a half times bigger over the past two years, with 55.000 fans, now compiling the largest domestic online community.

Bringamania’s mobile application has been downloaded by over 20.000 users since the fall of 2016.

The reputation of the brand is improving continuously, including the recognition of its community involvement in the past years.