Kisbenedek Péter
Allianz Hungária Zrt.
Sustainable development is not only the foundation of our company’s growth, but also a priority for our society. We believe that we are responsible for supporting our customers, the population and above all, the future generation in thoughtful decisions, which are more intensively affected by sustainability. We believe that by providing a genuine help through a sufficiently informative, vision-enhancing and eye-catching training that can have a positive impact over the long term.
TüKörkép Educational Program
Industry: Financial services
Date: continuously
Solutions of the macro-sustainability challenges
Encourage life-long learning and adult education and training, especially for developing the ability to adapt and build resilience in a rapidly-changing environment, and promote leadership skills
Further targets:
What´s the solution?
The Allianz Hungária Zrt. is planning to widen future university students’ approach and qualify them by forming partnerships. Our partner universities are offering the opportunity to participate at their Open Days for those who are willing to go to college. These Open Days are aiming on solving different problems among freshmans, such as hesitancy when it comes to choosing their carreer that can lead to abandoning their freshly-chosen profession. The solution is holding profession-specific presentations about the extensive amount of opportunities provided by the institution, and demonstrating practical examples to them. Allianz’s planning to extend the services provided by giving the chance to attend at Allianz’s regular lecture series, which can be regarded as an additional piece of the course itself, and starting individual profession-specific courses. The third pillar is to offer an opportunity to take part in finding solution to one of our business challenges, and rewarding the best ideas with a job opportunity at Allianz as a trainee, preferably by helping at ad-hoc projects. By these means, we aim on raising awareness among undergraduates, helping them plan their professional career consciously, optimize their training’s quality and motivating them not to leave Hungary.
Business connection
The TüKörkép Educational Program is not a profit-oriented business initiative. Given the fact that within the framework of our university partnerships we are not only planning to offer a special informative and vision-widening, but an opportunity to be one of our trainees based on a serious selection procedure, this programme allows us to define accurate business purposes indirectly for our Company, hence the TüKörkép is providing an opportunity to prominently-talented students to visit the institution and come to know the whole culture of the company, also improving our competitiveness. In addition, we believe that educating young adults, teaching them finances and supplying special, additional knownledge that is related to their professions and interests contributes to different macro-sociological purposes that our company can benefit from.
We strongly hope TüKörkép programme’s exclusive profession-specific course is extending the participants’ knowledge by finding their most suitable profession and field. When we started the program our expectations were to help high-schoolers with their admission to university finding their field of interest and decreasing the rate of those, who abandon their profession. We are confident that taking part in popularizing domestic employment is vital, presenting real careers can have a benefical effect on the number of the Hungarian workforce, and we can also help university students’ indirectly to find a stable existence by providing them an opportunity to take part in certain projects and offering trainee positions.