Sándor Fasimon

Managing Director

MOL Plc.

The culture improvement and the sharing of experiences and best practices encompassing the entire organization all support the MOL Group Culture2030 program. Our goal is to improve communication and collaboration, increase satisfaction and reduce fluctuation.

Culture improvement program at MOL Petrolkémia

Industry: Energy

Date: 2017


Solutions of the macro-sustainability challenges

Encourage life-long learning and adult education and training, especially for developing the ability to adapt and build resilience in a rapidly-changing environment, and promote leadership skills

Further targets:

What´s the solution?

Our goal is to optimize our efficiency with two-sided communication, cooperation and providing opportunities to our co-workers to be involved.

The solution is determining the present and desired culture, launching a culture improvement program that relies on our common values, improving our top and middle managers, “bridge men”(colleagues supporting the communication between the employees and the managers), and applying new communicational methods.

Our cultural developmental program ended with a noticeable progress on the first half of 2017.

Advantages: low fluctuation, more efficient “problem-solving”, and initiating skills.

The initiator of the programme is: the CEO/HR

Resources: developments, measurement costs and time limit (2017: approx. 50 training days).

Risks: time limit, budget, leaders, participation of shift workers

Cooperation: in the management, between leaders or among leaders and bridgemen and co-workers.

In 2017, the main focus: on supervisors.

Sustainability: the so-called coffee corner system (informal insider conversations, a minimum of 6 employee/year/factory, renewal of our meeting structure, newsletters, empowering the culture of two-sided feedback (communications and performance-management).

The future: aligned missions and developments with MOL Culture2030.

Business connection

The improvement of communication and cooperation and the increased satisfaction-rate lowers the fluctuation and supports the success of business.

The development program encompassing the entire organization supports the MOL-Group’s Culture2030, by sharing great experiences and practises.


Impacts: strengthened reliance, efficient problem-solving, more open communication and satisfaction increasing measures by colleagues suggestions.

Measurement: Human synergistic method; commitment survey, fluctuation.

Motivation: creating a new action-plan according to the result of 2017, new testing in 2018 Q4.