Andrea Bujdosó

Chair of the Board

Shell Hungary Zrt.

At Shell, we recognize the providing of more clean energy to the society as a challenge.  A low-carbon future can be addressed through innovative solutions, that are invented through ingenuity, entrepreneourial attitude and continuous ambition. Shell Eco-marathon serves the same purpose, to inspire students to carry out forward-thinking improvements and to use them in mobility.

Shell Eco-marathon

Industry: Energy

Date: Since 1985

Climate change

Solutions of the macro-sustainability challenges

Mitigation of climate change risks and flexible adaptation through effective monitoring, education and communication, and developing new technologies and business models

Further targets:

What´s the solution?

Shell Eco-Marathon is a worldwide competition for students interested in innovative solutions for mobility. The aim of the contest is to test the students’ skills in engineering and design and find out who can get further with the least amount of fuel.

The challenge is present in Asia, America and Europe, where students design, build and run their own ultra-efficient vehicles.

The race dates back to 1939, when the staff of Shell oil company announced a friendly challenge competing for who can go the furthest with the same amount of fuel. In 1985 the first Shell Eco-marathon competition was held in France.

Shell Eco-marathon is organized during the Make the Future Live Festival, a festival of science and innovation, which provides a platform for the next generation of professionals in scientific and engineering areas to present, implement and test their latest ideas.

We are proud of the fact that for more than 11 years, Hungarian teams have also been participating in the event, achieving wonderful results.

Business connection

Shell keeps in touch and collaborates with professionals, business decision-makers, engineers and entrepreneurs to find solutions for future energy challenges. The teams participating in Shell Eco-marathon not only just inspire Shell but also inspire each other with their improved vehicles and new ideas about energy. These developments help us understanding energy-efficient vehicles and provide insights into how mobility will change in the future.


Since 2017, the competition will also be held in America and from 2010 onwards in Asia, thus in 2018 around 350 student teams were participating in the challenge around the world with the European competition.

Teams can develop their vehicles without any restrictions and even patent their solutions. In 2014, two Dutch teams received a road license to use the car on Dutch roads.

The current best result is 3771 km/l – which is like travelling from London to Helsinki back and forth with just one litre of fuel.