Attila Chikán


ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt.

If we look on solid waste we automatically consider the potential of recycling, this is already common thinking. But we rarely think that wasted heat can be also reutilized in the technology, and can replace new resources and improve efficiency. By simultaneous cogeneration of power and heat the fuel consumption can be reduced, which also means reduced CO2 emissions. 

Utilization of decentralized power and heat production in cogeneration.

Industry: Energy

Date: Since 2013

Climate change

Solutions of the macro-sustainability challenges

Shift to low carbon economy by increasing effective energy use and industrial energy efficiency, promoting clean and environmentally friendly technologies and life cycle assessment

Further targets:

What´s the solution?

In case of many electric power production technologies heat is also produced as a byproduct. Utilization of this heat (power and heat cogeneration) can improve significantly the efficiency of total energy production and results in reduced overall fuel consumption. Fuel savings leads to lower production costs and less greenhouse gas emissions.
The solution is the utilization of local power and heat cogeneration technology, by which primes energy (fuel) savings can be achieved.

Business connection

By this environmental friendly solution less fuel is used and related cost savings can be achieved. As a result Alteo is more competitive.


Simultaneous power and heat production in a cogeneration plant, compared to traditional separate production technologies, can lead to 11-14% reduction in fuel consumption, and a proportional reduction in carbon-dioxide emissions.
In case of a cogeneration power plant the fuel consumption, and the electric power and heat production is continuously metered and measured, and the efficiency of total energy production can be exactly determined. The carbon-dioxide emission is proportional with the fuel consumption, and the annual emission verified by independent auditors.