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Grundfos Manufacturing Ltd.

Its a mutual interest and responsibility that education provides such knowledge transfer and competence development that is really needed on the job market. Things are changing so fast nowadays, that even the business sector’s quick reaction is challenging, no wonder that a full educational system would require even more time. For this reason, dual education is a perfect possibility to shape vocational training and to fill it with content, that is inevitable for us in the training of engineers and technicians.

Dual education in practice

Industry: Industry

Date: 2014


Solutions of the macro-sustainability challenges

Take individuals from education to workplace by providing them with the right qualifications, professions and skills


Further targets:

What´s the solution?

The aim of Grundfos is to shape the mindset of young people and their parents, in order to make technical studies popular again. We work in close cooperation with educational institutions and the local chambers of commerce and industry, as we show the possibilities of utilizing the theoretical knowledge gained at universities and secondary schools in pratice, under real factory circumstances and conditions. We actively take part in career orientation (at career exhibitions, meeting parents at elementary schools), cooperate with the chambers organising the events (arranging factory visits where students experience how a factory looks and feels like and can get first-hand information about challenges and advantages of the different jobs).

The majority of the practical training is carried out in the factory, during production. The main task of Grundfos is to provide the compteneces and knowledge needed for the certain jobs. The students need to acquire experience, proper behaviour, competences and knowledge that will be inevitable during their apprenticeship and coming work life. By the end of the training, they have to reach high quality, up-to-date professional level. They learn to work effectively, plan their own tasks themselves, take responsibility for their own work, work in team etc.

Business connection

Lack of experts experienced in many jobs is a sign, that something needs to be renwed, and dual education can be a solution. Well educated staff will ensure market competitiveness. Dual education makes it possible for Grundfos to train employees according to our special needs, decreasing recruitment costs and fluctuation. Colleagues who were involved in the dual education at the company, will be loyal.


Fourty secondary school students were welcomed in the framework of dual education at Grundfos in 2015. Students spent their summer apprentice time under the supervision of our experts, being part of real production processes. From September, nine secondary school students started their apprentice time at Grundfos. Moreover, we have signed a cooperation contract with Óbuda University’s Alba Regia department, based on which mechanical and electrical engineers will spend their 20-24 weeks trainee  time with us.