Joerg Bauer
Tungsram Group
“Our goal is the development of world-beating LED and smart solutions that can be successfully applied by companies active in the field of precision indoor farming,”
Agritech division
Industry: Energia
Date: since 2018
Food and Feed
Solutions of the macro-sustainability challenges
Source raw materials from sustainable farm operations; strengthen the cooperation between local suppliers, food producers and distributors, improve regional value-added food networks based on local resources.
Further targets:
What´s the solution?
It is time to change how we think about indoor horticulture and supplementary lighting. It is time to choose a high quality, professional and flexible LED lighting system. With the solution of Tungsram, you can mix different types of LEDs to stimulate growth. Plus, we can also tailor the LED selection to meet your specific needs. We are in the middle of a global change, and food security has been and will continue to be a key priority. World population is increasing, and this requires an increase in the total output of food, which is affordable, diverse and accessible to everyone at the same time. As an innovative company, Tungsram Agritech is convinced that the key to success is the application of new technologies. With 120 years of knowledge in the field of lighting techniques, Tungsram Group focuses specifically on greenhouse lighting and vertical farms. Our aim is to offer world-class quality LED lighting and smart solutions to growers and farmers for use in their precision indoor farming operations.
Business connection
The demand for traditional lighting (non-LED) that previously accounted for the main product of Tungsram is decreasing worldwide. With this innovative solution the company can benefit from its expertise in the field of lighting and use it in a new area thus Tungsram can acquire a small market share in an exponentially increasing, future-proof industry (indoor farming). The Agritech business was set up through an entirely new innovative process in which we managed to achieve a previously non-existent product portfolio by retraining colleagues, transforming their knowledge and involving new expertise.
The first major orders were completed after less than two years of product development dating from the birth of the idea. On its website, the FAO mentions only one company worldwide regarding indoor farming (Tungsram Agritech Growth Cabinet). The first KPI is the sales result, the second is the establishment of an R&D vertical farm in Budapest which can help Hungarian agricultural research become one of the world’s top again. Product development is based on a market dialogue, its direction is defined by demand, and research results show new paths in the field of sensor, software, irrigation etc. processes.