Fostering sustainable consumption through ensuring adequate demand and supply of sustainable goods and services and rebuilding trust among stakeholders by providing reliable information which leads to a better quality of life within ecological boundaries.

Targets 2020

Sustainable Pruducts and Services

Provide an adequate variety of sustainable products and services which are affordable and available for the majority of the population

Life Cycle Development

Measure and decrease negative environmental impacts to decrease the consumption footprint by introducing the circular economy model

Balanced Lifestyles

Promote healthy living and health-supporting choices to enhance balanced lifestyles and wellbeing

Empower Consumers

Empower consumers to increase their demand for sustainable products and services by providing reliable, actionable, user-friendly consumer information, communication and education

What to do?

Drafting the recommendations involved a nearly one-year process of collaboration, involving the participation of the Action 2020 Specialist Forum, the BCSDH Action 2020 Sustainable Lifestyle Working Group Meetings, the CEO Roundtable Discussions, the BCSDH General Meetings, and a number of professional discussions with subject-matter experts.


1. CHANGE BUSINESS MODELS to make sustainable products and services more competitive

2. Shift consumer demand towards sustainability THROUGH BRANDS

Why is it important?

For the time being, the proportion of buyers and consumers who are willing and able to choose the more sustainable alternative in their everyday lives is low. A typical lifestyle is not balanced and is harmful to the environment. Although sustainable products and services are now available, they are usually only affordable to a restricted circle at a high price. Product-related information that is provided to consumers does not constitute an effective reference for responsible decision-making, and in addition, is generally distrusted. The liability of companies should not only be extended to the sourcing of inputs, content, the manufacturing technology used for products and services and the effects on the environment and society of energy, transport and packaging, but companies should also reduce the ecological footprint of consumption if they intend to have a real impact on sustainability.

Sustainable lifestyles brochure


More information and list of references